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February, 27th 2004: winter merriment at Studentenhome De Bokkerijder
March, 11th 2004: birthday party Ine
March, 16th 2004: juggling
March, 19th 2004: goodbye party for Felipe and Lola
March, 24th 2004: springtime
March, 29th 2004: goodbye Nacho and Carmen
April, 6th 2004: the Gibsons in Diepenbeek/Hasselt
April, 6th 2004: a walk through Hasselt
April, 10th 2004: Jasper, the first born son of my friends Anne and Hendrik
April, 14th 2004: spring barbecue
April, 16th 2004: (another) barbeque with Manu, Jay, Triin and Vaek
April, 30th 2004: hallway dinner with Manu
May, 9th 2004: Plechtige Communie Michiel
May, 12th 2004: Honderd jaar later, a theatre play by Students On Stage
May, 14th 2004: Marlène Du Stiequeme & Antoine Gauthier, a theatre play in Tongeren (with Ine, Thibaut and Frederik)
May, 25th 2004: inspecteurs van De Lijn
May, 25th 2004: Čechomor in Flagey (Brussels)
May, 26th 2004: kot barbecue 2004
May, 27th 2004: goodbye party for Marek
May, 29th 2004: De heksen van Ginderhier, a theatre play by Lapsus in Dubio (15 years Lapsus in Dubio)
June, 2nd 2004: presents from Jay
June, 8nd 2004: Brice
June, 23nd 2004: flying a kite, not as easy as it seems...
June, 24nd 2004: strawberries
July, 10nd - 17nd 2004: a one week trip through some cities in the North of Spain
(Girona - Figueres - Barcelona - Pamplona - Barcelona - Girona - Platja d'Aro)
July, 24nd 2004: my brother Pieter loves yellow flowers
August, 2nd 2004: feel the summer
August, 12nd 2004: TVL is taking a look at my residence. Take a look at the pictures. (in Dutch)
last modified on 2013-06-19